Saturday, June 20, 2009

Human Waste Converted into Clean Fuel

by: Heartland Energy Colorado

EnerTech Environmental of Atlanta, GA has launched a new facility in California that will convert human waste or biosolids into energy. The new facility located in Rialto, California will, "convert 883 wet tons per day of biosolids from five municipalities in the Los Angeles region into 167 dry tons per day of renewable energy." This renewable fuel will be used as an alternative to coal for a local cement kiln as an alternative to coal.

When Heartland Energy Colorado happened upon the press release announcing this we dug a little further into Enertech Environmental and obtained the information directly from their site. You can read their press release here.

Enertech Environmental is a renewable energy company that is dedicated to the commercialization of technologies dedicated to the production of renewable energy by utilizing biosolids.

1 comment:

  1. I was interested in this concept, so I researched a little further and checked out the article link you mentioned at Heartland Energy Colorado. I couldn't find any direct resources, still looking
